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All students participate in one-hour PE lessons with our specialist teacher, Mrs Antonio, on either a Tuesday or Thursday throughout the school year.

Fundamental movement skills, such as throwing, catching, kicking and striking, are taught in Prep and further developed in Years 1 to 3. These skills are then applied in Years 4 to 6 in a range of different sports, such as netball, football, soccer, tennis, touch and cricket.

All students learn track and field techniques in preparation for the Athletics carnival in Term 2 and are able to attend swimming lessons in Term 4 at the local pool to prepare them for the Swimming Carnival. Every child has the opportunity to participate in the school's Athletics Carnival and also the Swimming Carnival.

We also access Sporting Schools funding to source specialist instructors who deliver additional PE lessons to all students at different intervals throughout the year. Gymnastics, Rugby League, Touch Football, Tennis and Cricket coaches have been utilised in the past few years. 

St Mary’s Catholic School supports Bowen Sub-District Primary Schools Sports and a number of students are selected to participate in the various Bowen Sub-District sporting trials which generally occur in Terms 1 and 2. Over the years, we have celebrated the many successes of our students going on to represent Bowen at the Whitsunday trials and even the North Queensland trials.